Northwest Competition Coloring
How we do your Tan
We have you make one appointment.
The NWCC Team of Experts will airbrush as many applications necessary to give you "The Winning Color".
At your appointment we will have you enter one of our airbrush tents. We have some disposable undergarments so you do not have to worry about yours. The choice is yours based on your comfort level and your comfort is our priority!
After your airbrushing which takes from 10 - 15 minutes, we move you into another tent where electric fans dry your new tan. The drying time takes between 5 - 10 minutes.

Your privacy and comfort are formost! You are never left to dry in a room full of other people! The only time you see other people is when you are waiting for your session, and none of you can see the current clients in their session, either airbrushing or drying.
Typical Airbrush Setup. 
This setup is in a conference room and only clients currently being airbrushed are allowed beyond the zipper!
Inside the Zipper. Private Airbrushing and drying tents.
If you have any questions regarding our process or any other questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or email ( Contact Us ).
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